
Automotive Engine Repair and Rebuilding (Chek Chart) Package (4th Edition)

Automotive Engine Repair and Rebuilding (Chek Chart) Package (4th Edition)

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Product Description:
This two book setandndash;a Classroom Manual and a Workshop Manualandndash;provides a current and deep technical discussion of engine rebuilding and repair. This revision, written by a new author, has greatly reorganized the Workshop manual to eliminate duplicate material and improve the correlation between the two books. Provides users with an excellent resource in preparation for ASE Certification tests. In addition to the latest information about lubricants, engine design, and manufacturing, the books cover the following key topics: OSHA safety self-inspection worksheets; Engine parts, operation, and construction; Engine physics and chemistry; cooling systems; intake and exhaust systems; Tools for engine rebuilding; Engine testing and diagnosis; Engine removal, disassembly, general inspection, and cleaning. For auto mechanic professionals, those preparing for the ASE Cer tification Exam, or for use as a reference tool for those seeking a good foundation in theory and repair of engines.

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