
Auto Fundamentals Workbook

Auto Fundamentals Workbook

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Product Description:
Auto Fundamentals leads students through the design, construction, and operation of all major automotive systems. It is intended for those who need a sound foundation in the basics of automotive technology. The information in this text is easy to understand and applicable to all vehicles. Each automotive system is explained in detail, starting with its basic function and progressing to the construction and operation of the individual components making up that system. This systematic approach helps students gain a thorough understanding of automotive components and systems. Auto Fundamentals promotes pride in the trade and an awareness of the importance of the certified automobile technician. An entire chapter is devoted to exploring career opportunities and obtaining additional training in automotive technology.The Workbook is organized to follow the textbook on a chapter-b y-chapter basis, providing questions to help the student review the material presented in the chapter. This supplement is a consumable resource, designed with perforated pages so that a given chapter can be removed and turned in for grading or checking.

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